註冊會員 會員登入 忘記密碼
請輸入您IRCAD台灣帳號申請之電子信箱,並按下 “發送信件“。
※ 我們會將密碼寄送至您的信箱
+ 886 4 781 2988, + 886 4 781 2228
+ 886 4-707-3222


  • 選項
  • 價格
  • 早鳥價/折扣
  • 費用包含
  • 理論課
  • NT$30,000

    大約 $920 USD

  • NO 早鳥價/折扣
  • 費用包含
  • 理論課及大體實作
  • NT$60,000

    大約 $1,840 USD

  • NO 早鳥價/折扣
  • 費用包含
  • 理論教學和實作課 每日午餐及下午茶 一客晚餐 (大會晚宴) 巴士接駁服務 (課程間往返特約飯店及微創中心) 每日免費停車券

折扣 :-NT$0

總金額 :NT$0

register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988 ,+ 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222



Special Highlights of this Course
Structured anatomic preparation, each step referring to clearly defined anatomical landmarks, after concise lectures and master dissection.
Training places for dissection are well-equipped with HD-videoendoscopy, a large variety of microsurgical instruments and shaver.
Intensive supervision with at least one experienced supervisor for two dissection places.
Specific adjunctive course material, including access to essential videoclips of crucial surgical steps as well as accompanying hand-outs.

Recommended Pre-Course Reading: Please copy the link and paste to the browser.
Advanced hands-on guide:
Anatomy atlas:

Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
