CREATE ACCOUNT MEMBER LOGIN FORGOT PASSWORD MEMBER LOGIN CREATE ACCOUNT FORGOT PASSOWRD Dear Members of IRCAD Taiwan Family, IRCAD Taiwan official website was updated on 2020 May 12th. Old members: if you have not logged in/or reset your password before the above date, please click "FORGOT PASSWORD" & create a new password in Edit account>Account Information. New members: please disregard this message & click “CREATE ACCOUNT” or log in with Google. Thank you for your kind cooperation ※ Required fields are indicated with* Please enter the email you used to create your IRCAD Taiwan account & press “SEND EMAIL.” ※ We will send an email with a new password to your mailbox. + 886 4 781 2988, + 886 4 781 2228 + 886 4-707-3222 HOME TRAINING PROGRAM PARTICPANT FEEDBACK PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK Satisfaction of all courses are in here. Participant Feedback Apr 05-Apr 09 TR3 - New Perspectives in HEPATOBILIARY and PANCREATIC surgery Overall Satisfaction Bar Chart more 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Point/Day Lab session Theoretical session 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 Jun 11-Jun 13 TR3 - Laparoscopic and Robotic COLORECTAL Surgery Master Course Overall Satisfaction Bar Chart more 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Point/Day Lab session Theoretical session 4 5 2 3 5 1 5 1 2 3 Participant Feedback list Search by course TR1 - GENERAL SURGERY 360° Fundamental Course TR2 - INTENSIVE Course in Laparoscopic GENERAL SURGERY TR1 - Intensive Course in Laparoscopic SUTURING and Live Animal Workshop Da Vinci BASIC Surgery Training Course TR3 - Advanced Course in Inguinal HERNIA and Complex Abdominal Wall Repair Surgery Da Vinci Robotic HERNIA Cadaveric Dissection Workshop DU- Surgical and Interventional Endoscopy Curriculum TR2 - New trends in BARIATRIC and METABOLIC surgery Da Vinci Robotic Gastric Surgery Mastery Workshop : Precision in Practice TR2 - ADVANCED BILIARY SURGERY COURSE TR3 - New Perspectives in HEPATOBILIARY and PANCREATIC surgery Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic LIVER Surgery Da Vinci Robotic PANCREATIC Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Workshop TR3 - Laparoscopic and Robotic COLORECTAL Surgery Master Course TR1 - Laparoscopic UROLOGY Fundamental Course TR3 - Advanced Urological Surgery Course Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic UROLOGICAL Surgery TR1 - GESEA Hysteroscopy, Gynecological Laparoscopy and Suturing Workshop Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic Gynecology Surgery TR3 - Advance Course in PEDIATRIC Videosurgery TR0 - VETERINARY Fundamental Laparoscopic Surgery Course TR1 - VETERINARY Intermediate Laparoscopic Surgery Course TR2 - Hands-On Masterclass in VETERINARY Laparoscopic Surgery Cadaveric Airway Training Workshop WRIST Arthroscopy Course ELBOW Arthroscopy Course Ultrasound-Guided Upper Limb Surgery Workshop International Advanced SINUS DISSECTION Course SKULL BASE 360°: Endo/Micro Course B.E.S.T. Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies Innovation Workshop Train the TRAINERS TR3 - Laparoscopic and Robotic COLORECTAL Surgery Master Course Date : Jun 11, 2020 — Jun 13, 2020 TR3 - New Perspectives in HEPATOBILIARY and PANCREATIC surgery Date : Apr 05, 2020 — Apr 09, 2020 1
Participant Feedback list Search by course TR1 - GENERAL SURGERY 360° Fundamental Course TR2 - INTENSIVE Course in Laparoscopic GENERAL SURGERY TR1 - Intensive Course in Laparoscopic SUTURING and Live Animal Workshop Da Vinci BASIC Surgery Training Course TR3 - Advanced Course in Inguinal HERNIA and Complex Abdominal Wall Repair Surgery Da Vinci Robotic HERNIA Cadaveric Dissection Workshop DU- Surgical and Interventional Endoscopy Curriculum TR2 - New trends in BARIATRIC and METABOLIC surgery Da Vinci Robotic Gastric Surgery Mastery Workshop : Precision in Practice TR2 - ADVANCED BILIARY SURGERY COURSE TR3 - New Perspectives in HEPATOBILIARY and PANCREATIC surgery Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic LIVER Surgery Da Vinci Robotic PANCREATIC Surgery Cadaveric Dissection Workshop TR3 - Laparoscopic and Robotic COLORECTAL Surgery Master Course TR1 - Laparoscopic UROLOGY Fundamental Course TR3 - Advanced Urological Surgery Course Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic UROLOGICAL Surgery TR1 - GESEA Hysteroscopy, Gynecological Laparoscopy and Suturing Workshop Da Vinci Masterclass of Robotic Gynecology Surgery TR3 - Advance Course in PEDIATRIC Videosurgery TR0 - VETERINARY Fundamental Laparoscopic Surgery Course TR1 - VETERINARY Intermediate Laparoscopic Surgery Course TR2 - Hands-On Masterclass in VETERINARY Laparoscopic Surgery Cadaveric Airway Training Workshop WRIST Arthroscopy Course ELBOW Arthroscopy Course Ultrasound-Guided Upper Limb Surgery Workshop International Advanced SINUS DISSECTION Course SKULL BASE 360°: Endo/Micro Course B.E.S.T. Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies Innovation Workshop Train the TRAINERS TR3 - Laparoscopic and Robotic COLORECTAL Surgery Master Course Date : Jun 11, 2020 — Jun 13, 2020 TR3 - New Perspectives in HEPATOBILIARY and PANCREATIC surgery Date : Apr 05, 2020 — Apr 09, 2020 1