註冊會員 會員登入 忘記密碼
請輸入您IRCAD台灣帳號申請之電子信箱,並按下 “發送信件“。
※ 我們會將密碼寄送至您的信箱
+ 886 4 781 2988, + 886 4 781 2228
+ 886 4-707-3222


  • 選項
  • 價格
  • 早鳥價/折扣
  • 費用包含
  • Level 1:理論課及 Dry Lab 實作
  • NT$50,000

    大約 $1,615 USD

  • 早鳥優惠 (10% off)

  • 費用包含
  • 理論教學和實作課 每日午餐及下午茶 一客晚餐 (大會晚宴) 巴士接駁服務 (課程間往返特約飯店及微創中心) 每日免費停車券
  • Level 2: 理論課及 Dry Lab 實作
  • NT$50,000

    大約 $1,615 USD

  • 早鳥優惠 (10% off)

  • 費用包含
  • 理論教學和實作課 每日午餐及下午茶 一客晚餐 (大會晚宴) 巴士接駁服務 (課程間往返特約飯店及微創中心) 每日免費停車券

折扣 :-NT$0

總金額 :NT$0

register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988 ,+ 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222



The Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) program is a structured and the official diploma program of European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy. GESEA provides training aimed to enhance the proficiency of endoscopic surgery skills of the physician and certify their knowledge and practical skills.

Prerequisites for Level 2 GESEA MIGS Certification
GESEA Level 1 Certificate
First acquire the GESEA Level 1 Certificate before you can apply for the next level. Provide your certificate as proof that you have completed the first level upon registration for a second level certification session.

You can apply for a bypass if you meet the following criteria:

Must be over 45 years old
Must provide a letter signed by head of department, confirming applicant has experience in major surgeries in both laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
Must provide proof of attendance at a recognised suturing workshop
Note that you still need to complete the GESEA Level 1 e-learning on ESGE Academy.

GESEA Level 2 MIGS E-Learning Certificate of Completion
When applying for a Level 2 MIGS Certification, submit your Certificate of Completion together with your application or bring it with you at the certification session.


Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund


ARGAY Istvan 匈牙利

CENTINI Gabriele 義大利
